
Welcome To The RIG Lagos Apostolic Center



RIG Nation's mission to raise 7000 prophets in every continent of the world births in Nigeria with the launch of RIG University Nigeria. Register and be trained, equipped and activated to Pioneer, Transform and Occupy to establish God's Kingdom agenda in the Nations.


What Could Hearing The Voice Of God Mean For You?

Perhaps you yearn for clarity on your life's purpose, a burning question about your destiny and path He has laid out for you. Maybe you've experienced vivid dreams or a nudge towards the prophetic, but lack the confidence to interpret these messages or the tools to activate your gifts. Do you long to hear God speaking clearly, to confidently walk in His will, and fulfill the potential stirring within you?

If these desires resonate with you, then it's time to unlock a deeper connection with God and walk in your prophetic destiny through RIG University Nigeria's;

For the last 6 years, I’ve focused on mastering one thing, and one thing only: selling high ticket digital marketing services with boldness. My methods have generated
over $20,000,000 (in revenue for my clients, students, and me). Not only that, I’ve transformed the lives of over 1000 entrepreneurs and businesses. 
If you’re someone who’s tried a bunch of different marketing tactics… maybe they worked, maybe they didn’t… and you’ve thought, “There must be a better, simpler way to do this!”… you’re right. There is. Let me show you how.




RIG Nation's mission to raise 7000 prophets in every continent of the world berths in Nigeria with the launch of RIG University Nigeria. Register and be trained, equipped and activated to Pioneer, Transform and Occupy to establish God's Kingdom agenda in the Nations.


Designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the prophetic and Apostolic ministries. From foundational teachings to advanced prophetic training, Prophet Tomi helps you walk and grow in the prophetic


Dive into the world of practicing the prophetic and Apostolic ministries with guided Activations. These sessions are designed to help you sharpen and hone your ability to hear and release the what you are discerning the Lord is saying. 


Dedicated to providing deep insights and wisdom through the lens of prophecy. Prophet Tomi will guide you on a transformative journey, helping you understand and apply the prophetic to your life and spiritual growt

By the end of this program, you will be armed with all the tools, scripts, templates, strategies on how to start and scale your digital marketing business, and earn 6 figures and above.

About RIG University Nigeria

RIG University Nigeria, an integral part of RIG Nation, is committed to equipping prophets and apostles for impactful ministry. Founded by Prophet Tomi Arayomi, the university's program offers a transformative 6-month program in Lagos, Nigeria. Through comprehensive training, activations, and apostolic foundations, RIG University empowers students to fulfill their prophetic destinies and advance God’s Kingdom agenda globally.

Join Prophet Tomi and RIG University Nigeria for a 6-Month Prophetic and Apostolic Training

Meet The Founder

Prophet Tomi Arayomi is an internationally recognized prophet with more than 20 years experience in prophetic ministry. His desire is to bring forth the authenticity and integrity of the prophetic and its power to change lives all over the world.

We believe God that by the end of this 6-month Prophetic and Apostolic program "You will become another man, and you will prophesy"


6 months of training and activation in both the Prophetic and Apostolic, empowering you to walk in your prophetic destiny.


All the meetings (Teachings, Activations and Practicals) will be held on-site at Commerce House, No. 1 Idowu Taylor Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.


The LIVE classes schedule will be ONE Wednesday per month. Other dates to be communiated on-site

By the end of this program, you will be armed with all the tools, scripts, templates, strategies on how to start and scale your digital marketing business, and earn 6 figures and above.

It is time for you to occupy your calling, destiny, city, and nation. It is time for your voice to rise and call for others to take their Kingdom occupations as prophets, apostles, evangelists, and teachers.

Fill out the form below to Save your seat now...
Fill out the form below to Save your seat now...

The overwhelming response to RIG University Nigeria's registration process highlights a great hunger for the Prophetic and Apostolic in our day. However, registrations have exceeding our hosting capacity. For further information, please reach out via